Competition: Sally Hansen Goodies

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Updated (Oct 20, 2013): The winner is Eram Rasool (Facebook: Eram Rasool; Twitter: eram81).

You will soon receive a message on how to claim your prize. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Come aboard the pretty nails express! This week's giveaway consists of two prizes and one reader will take it all:

1) A Sally Hansen Salon Effects Polish Strips. These are the easiest to apply. Get them out of the box, measure it against your nail and apply the strip. You also get a cuticle stick, a mini-nail file and a buffer along with 16 nail polish strips. 

2) A fabulous Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear polish in 92 Ice Coffee.

Here's how to enter:

1) Like my Facebook page.
2) Follow on Twitter here and here.
3) Post your answer to this question in the comments section below: What's your best nail polish tip?   
4) Mention your Facebook and Twitter name along with your comment/answer
5) Tweet the following from your Twitter account: I entered @KeepingUpWithN's give-away to win Sally Hansen nail goodies 

You must follow all the steps to be eligible to win. The prize must be collected from Dubai.

Competition open to UAE residents only. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

To keep your nails from turning an unhealthy yellow shade, apply a base coast before your coloured nail polish. Let the base coat dry for 4 to 5 minutes before attempting to apply colour...

Facebook Name: Nancy Alcantara
Twitter name: @nanz2013

Followed all the steps... wish to win!!

Anonymous said...

Store your nail polish in the refrigerator. It will last longer and be easier to apply.
Facebook and Twitter name: Nasha Mobed

Unknown said...

Always double coat to get the true color
FB NAME Eram Rasool
Twitter Name : eram81

Unknown said...

Always double coat to get the true color
FB Name : Eram Rasool
Twitter Name : eram81

Anonymous said...

I love to religiously change my nail polish on my hands based on what i wear everyday and since i change it at home just before i leave for work,the process of my nail polish drying takes a tad bit long until i found an amazing solution.Putting my hands in ice cold water.It works like a breeze!

Anonymous said...

Always apply a good quality clear coat to reduce the nail polish chipping.

Facebook name: Monica Ramesh Prii
Twitter handle: pink_soldier

Hope to be lucky!

Anonymous said...

Clean ur nails daily and moisturize them properly....always use double coat of nail paint to give shining look

Anonymous said...

My facebook namevis rimpy gupta and my twitter name is @manishrimpy

Rachel said...

amazing tip... never occurred to me...thx

Unknown said...

This is my biggest secret...If you accidentally smudge a nail while it’s still wet, you can easily fix it by licking your finger and gently smoothing the smudge out....

Twitter: camposclarinda

Anonymous said...

always use a base coat, two coats of polish and a top coat. moisturize cuticles with cuticle oil.

FB: Cathy Rodrigues
Twitter: @rodriguescathy

Anonymous said...

For nail polish to dry fast and get a lovely shine, let running water gently flow over the nails that have been polished for a while - this will also help the polish dry faster

Facebook : Selma Romola R.
Twitter : @Selma Romola

Anonymous said...

use a top coat every 2‐3 days to protect the polish color; and try to avoid using harsh chemicals, like certain household cleaning products, that strip the nail polish and cause chipping.

Facebook Name: Mehwish Adil
Twitter : @AMehwish

Anonymous said...

Always buy a known brand product nail paint , in order to keep the nails away from any harsh chemical damage used in cheap nail polish :D
Plus , removing the nail paint proper within a week of time.

Anonymous said...

Fb name: Vanitty Monsterr

Unknown said...

Try the peel off nail polishes for easy and fast removal of nail color! Makes it all so convenient

FB Name: Zainub Naeem Zulfiqar
Twitter Name: @ZainubZulfiqar

Anonymous said...

To keep my nails strong, I paint the inside tip of my nail with a clear polish once every five days. That seems to keep them healthy, and no one can tell I've done it!"

Name: Robina Tahir
Twitter: @robina42010

Anonymous said...

"Massage your nail beds. (Not the cuticle, but the actual nail.) It increases blood flow to your nails, which stimulates nail growth and keeps them healthier. For every day maintenance, I use OPI Nail Envy Natural Strengthener Sensitive and Peeling formula." -

Name: Benish Adil
Twitter: @benishadil

Anonymous said...

"My secret for strong nails is to make sure that I moisturize my hands and drink lots of water."

Name: Hira Rashid
Twitter : @hira_adil

Anonymous said...

"I eat yogurt every morning and the calcium helps keep my nails strong and grow faster."

Name: Iqra Adil


Anonymous said...

"The cuticle is the natural barrier to fungus and bacteria -- and once you breach that, protection is lost," she says. This will not only make cuticles look worse -- red, swollen, and ragged -- but may also land you a nasty infection that harms the nail bed and leads to permanent nail damage. And while cutting cuticles holds the most potential for harm, pushing them back can cause problems as well.

Name: Iqra Adil

Anonymous said...

fb name:martha rodrigues
twitter name: @ marthar91428503

Anonymous said...

Avoid bubble sin your nail polish.

Facebook Name: Sherraine Nazareth Fernandes

Twitter Name : Sherraine Nazareth

Anonymous said...

keep nails always clean by washing with brush...clean with lemon slice to remove yellowstains on nails...
fb-shilpa parmar

Unknown said...

Remove it every few days N apply a new one after a nice pedicure.
Face Book name : Seema Shelat
Twitter name : @semeet

Unknown said...

Remove N change d nail polish every few days after a nice pedicure.
FB name : Seema Shelat
Twitter : @semeet

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