Competition: Glambox x Benefit Cosmetics

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Updated (May 31, 2014)

 The winner is Hemangi [@hemangiramani].

You will receive an email with details on prize collection. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Did you miss my previous competition where I gave away a 6 month Glambox subscription? Did you miss the date to subscribe to the special edition Glambox filled with Benefit Cosmetics goodies? Fear not- one of my lucky readers stands a chance to win it!

The Glambox consists of: a voucher for a free brow tint at the Benefit Brow Bar, They're Real mascara, Big Easy BB cream, Fake Up concealer and Porefessional. If you want to know more about these products, read my review here.

Want to win this?

Here's how to participate:

1) Follow me on Instagram (search for: DarkRangerN).
2) Tag your friends to the Glambox x Benefit competition image on my Instagram account.
3) Repost the image on your account (take a screenshot), tag me to it and use the hashtag #KeepingUpWithN

You must follow all the steps to be eligible to win.

Winner will be chosen on random. Competition open to UAE residents only. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Done xo

Nida Moughal said...

Lady I want this <3

Unknown said...

Wish to win. Done all steps.

Arti Bhatia said...

Hope to win

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