Cheryl Ciudad Saleem
Nipa Gandhi
Seema Shelat
Please message me through Facebook with your details. Thanks to everyone who participated.
One of the best things to come from the Arab world is oud. No, not the musical instrument but the fragrant oil. I love oud and if you have been acquainted with authentic oud, you will appreciate it even more.
I grab almost every opportunity to own something oud based provided it gives off a pleasant fragrance. There are several global brands that have jumped on the bandwagon and have had success. But you have to leave oud (and bakhoor) to the Arab world, because we do it best.
What better way to let you in on oud than gifting them to you? I've collaborated with Fa to give away goody bags containing their latest Oud Elixir range. It is perfect for Ramadan (and Eid)! The line-up comes in White Musk, Golden Amber and Desert Rose fragrances that are laced with oud. The fragrances are true to their names and my personal favorite is White Musk. The oud based soaps are quite a delight as well. Fa, can we please have a shower gel within the same oud range?
Want to take this prize home?

Here's how to participate:
1) Like my Facebook page, and Instagram (@DarkRangerN).
2) Comment below telling me which of the 3 fragrances from Fa's Oud Elixir range you are looking forward to.
3) Mention your Instagram and Facebook username in the comments section.
Competition open to UAE residents only. Prizes must be collected from Dubai. Good luck!
insta name sillygal_44
facebook name saman nasir
want to try white musk ..hope to win
insta name sillygal_44
facebook name saman nasir
want to try white musk ..hope to win
1) Desert Rose
2)Golden Amber
3) White Musk
Instagram : fatema painter
facebook : fatema painter
Francois Demachy: Rose, Ambre, Musc and Oud. luxurious materials in high concentration, which are supposedly hand-picked by the perfumer himself. Rose contains essence of Turkish rose; Ambre contains amber of animal origin; Oud captures extract of agar wood and Musc smells both intense and soft with white musk.he rose seems interesting anyways:)different in the fragrance industry.his is something that definitely sparks my interest.
i wish to win it for me
I am looking forward to try the golden amber as it looks tempting & i haven't tried that fragrance before.
Instagram - rreemabhatia
FB - Rreema Bhatia
I am looking forward to try the golden amber as it looks tempting & i haven't tried that fragrance before.
Instagram - rreemabhatia
FB - Rreema Bhatia
Middle one
I am looking forward to try the golden amber as it looks tempting & i haven't tried that fragrance before.
Instagram - rreemabhatia
FB - Rreema Bhatia
Desert rose, white musk and golden Amber. Instagram name : nesaraokhan and Fb :Nesa rao
Golden Amber!
Instagram: tabuam90
Facebook: tabassumakt
FB Iram nawaz
Instagram Iram nawa
Iram Nawaz
Iram Nawaz
Wish to be lucky
Desert Rose fragrance.
Instagram : Perfectunme
Facebook : Linsey Pereira
The 3 Fa Oud Elixir fragrances which I am eagerly looking forward to use are as follows :
1) Dessert Rose
2) Golden Amber
3) White Musk
All my hopes and wishes to win with you once :-)
Facebook username - Jamila Sherwala
Instagram username - @jamilasherwala
Many thanks!
Looking forward to the fa oud elixir collection in white musk, golden amber and desert rose fragrances. Instagram is Sincykumar and Fb id is Sincy Kumaran.
Desert Rose.
Facebook- halima.bano.1
Instagram- halimabanoam
My all time favourite White Musk is im looking forward to.
My insta id: hazeleyez999
Facebook id : hazel eyez
I like all three fragrances. My Facebook name Shyma Nashrin. Instagram id shymanashrin
I am really looking forward to this exquisite Oud Elixir range, especially the Desert Rose fragrance with the soft, fresh exquisite floral tones The fragrance's outstanding freshness will be a wonderful gift to my body and senses I want to feel Fantastic!!! Thanks for the lovely giveaway! My facebook username is : delpereira and Instagram is delia2512.
Desert Rose
Desert Rose , Golden Amber , White Musk.
IG Name : seema_shelat
Facebook username : SEEMA SHELAT
I am looking forward to the golden amber as i haven't tried it before and it looking definitely tempting :)
FB Name - Rreema Bhatia
Instagram - rreema bhatia
Awesome giveaway
I am looking forward to the desert rose fragrance
FB- Cathy Rodrigues
Instagram- rodriguescathy
Would love to try the White Musk! I'm sure it smells divine :)
Instagram: daliahilmy
Facebook: Dalia Hilmy
I want to try
1)White Musk
2)Desert Rose
3)Golden Amber
Facebook Name :-Asma Khan
Instagram Name :-AsmaBarbie96
I want to try
1)White Musk
2)Desert Rose
3)Golden Amber
Facebook Name :-Asma Khan
Instagram Name :-AsmaBarbie96
Im very eager to try out white musk and desert rose :D
fb name: Fatima Rukhsar
insta handle: frukhsar
Golden Amber
FB Name - Shameem Nachiya
IG Name - shameemnachiya
Desert Rose, Golden Amber , White Musk
Name: krithiga; FB : krithiga Balasubramani; Instagram: bkrithi1983
Golden Amber!
FB Name - Shameem Nachiya
IG Name - ShameemNachiya
golden amber & desert Rose & white musk
IG name..Meenaxirani
wish towin
dessert rose
instagram: tahira.dziner.9
Fb: tahiraali
although all new fa range look very catchy and worth trying but I am eagerly looking forward to Golden Amber most.
Name: Sadia.Azmat.1
IG: sadia_azmat
Desert Rose
Golden Amber
White Musk
Fb Name - Nisha Sangeeth
instagram name - @nishasangeeth
I would like to own Desert Rose
Naslim Naseem : Facebook
nasnas0001 : Instagram
Desert Rose
White Musk
Golden Amber
IG Name : nipa_gandhi
FB Name : Nipa Gandhi
I would like to try out desert rose 😊
Db name :Nafisa Sadia
Instagram id: Nafisa.s
white musk Instagram - anu_b_ FB - chiradip
Desert Rose....Golden Amber...White Musk.
Facebook Name..Saima Pervaiz
I would love to try the DESERT ROSE fragrance
FB: Marites Dughmash
IG: eimyousef18
I want my wife to try the Golden Amber
Facebook: Mhd Zaher
IG: y3_bd
I would really love to win this range of Fa deodorant especially the Golden Amber as I haven't even seen it. I like the sound of this fragrance and want to feel really special. Hope I can win it with you.
Facebook name : Selma Romola
Instagram : selro123
Desert rose Fb samina Rizvan instagram samina rizvan
would love to try the Golden Amber
from the scent itself makes me feel the classic rare smell that brings elegance to my world
FB : Cheryl Ciudad Saleem
Ig: @CheskaCity
I want try the golden with my lovely husband
Golden Amber, Desert Rose and White Musk are the range of fragrances im looking forward to.
Facebook id : Hazel Eyez
insta: hazeleyez999
Desert rose
Golden amber
White musk
Facebook name tasneem kesariya
Instagram @tasneemkesariya
Desert rose
Golden amber
White musk
Facebook name tasneem kesariya
Instagram @tasneemkesariya
I wish to win Golden amber for my wife
Facebook name- s
Sandeep kumar
IG- skrana10
Desert Rose
Facebook name- Parul Ghalout
IG- @pghalout
hope to win
Desert Rose
Facebook : Lujaina thaikandy
Instagram : Lujainatk
wish to win
Desert Rose
Facebook Heena Sharma
Instagram sharmaheena884
Desert Rose
Face book,,Adeel Javeed
insta name @rahafmahmoud_4
facebook name ruba mahmoud
want to try white musk ..hope to win
I am looking forward to try the golden amber as it looks tempting & i haven't tried that fragrance before.
Instagram - @rahafmahnoud_4
FB - Ruba mahmoud
Thanks for choosing me as your winner. Already sent msg via fb. Excited to hear back from you. Rgds Selma Romola R
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