Oh, hello!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

So here's the first post of the new blog. On this blog, I'm going to cover fashion, food, movies and everything in between.

Starting off with my latest purchase called the iPad2! I've never been an Apple fan. I remember years ago receiving (at that time) the latest iPod. I actually gave it to my brother because I didn't fancy it. That or any other Apple products. You see I'm a Microsoft fan. I'm pretty sure Apple is great in it's own league and you will write a list of things as to why I should convert to Apple but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Having said that, I bought an iPad 2 recently. I also ended up with a fashionable leopard print sleeve! How cool is that? I love leopard prints but I will leave that story for another day.

 So far, the device has been used to make notes, tweet, email and play Angry Birds. And of course, Instagram! I love this app but am pretty upset that Apple didn't pay attention to the iPad's camera/  megapixels. I'm sure you will agree, the device takes crappy pics- it's way too pixelated. You got a great device but sad camera- no, don't give me an excuse as to why the camera is below average. But apart from that, no complaints.

Time to go play some more of those Angry Birds.

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