Accessories: As Crazy As They Can Get

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

On a recent shopping spree trip to the mall, I spotted some amazing yet crazy outta this world accessories. It's becoming a trend real quick to come up with the funkiest accessories you can offer customers with! I bought home these:

Yes, believe it or not- it's an entire car with bling in it's headlights, windows and rims. An entire Cadillac to wear in the neck. How rad is this? My mom actually spotted this and we were both laughing at it in disbelief. And then I bought it.

Mom selected this for me. Okay, so maybe we've seen the owl accessory but it's got a mini watch on it which is the owl is a timekeeper or something. You know what they say about owls being wise and the wise make good use of time.

 This is supposed to be a diamond however, it reminded me of the Superman logo hence I bought it!

Cool accessories that caught my eye:

A brooch as a blinged out mic!

Batman, anyone? 

How cute is the bunny ring?

Have you spotted or own any crazy accessories?

Some of the people I know (including a friend) have some awesome accessories. I also spotted some designer copy or 'inspired by designers' bags and shoes. All that and more in the next post.
Alia said...

so cool !!!!!! Ive never seen the car before. I have the bunny ring frm aldo :-) it is three rings together

Rita said...

looooove the mic. Im going to go buy it

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