The Food Byte: Garlic Bread

Friday, August 31, 2012

You know how we always get garlic bread with pizza? Well, my dad decided to put his cooking skills to a test. The result? Hot out of the oven home-made garlic bread!

Whenever my mom or dad cook up something new, I shove a camera in front of the dish barring everyone from taking a bite until I get the right pic :-D.

DIY: Batman Nails

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Batman is my favorite super hero. I love everything Batman. So when the last installment from Chris Nolan was due to release, I spotted so many girls paying homage to the caped crusader through different nail art. It may look difficult, but it isn't!

So here's my nail. It took me 3 tries to get the logo almost right (I was also getting a bit (okay a LOT) frustrated since one side of the wing would be broader or the ear wouldn't appear right but it was Batman, so I just counted to 10 and started over. Read: I have very little patience).


I used Sally Hansen's nail polish in Yellow Mellow and for the black, I actually used my eyeliner. I found the eyeliner as opposed to black nail polish much easier to handle when it came to this drawing. If I made a mistake, I just dabbed a cotton swab in make up remover and wiped the area of the logo that didn't look right. Once dry, I sealed it with a top coat.

If you don't know how to create the Bat logo- it's quite simple. Just follow the instructions here.

How To Get Softer, Frizz-Free Hair

Monday, August 27, 2012

The other day my mom  read this hair mask recipe in the magazine and asked me to try it. I'm not a hair mask fan...I just can't stand such things. I usually want to wash my hair quickly and be done with it. So I applied the mask anyway and it turned out to be a total miracle mask.

The mask not only made my hair SOFT but also happened to straighten my slightly wavy hair to some extent. It also added SHINE to the hair (unfortunately, it wasn't the glossy shine you see in the ads but there was visible shine). And all this happened in one use! At work, one of my colleagues asked, "Did you do something to your hair? It looks healthy".

Review: Mikyajy Jetsetter Makeup Palette

Friday, August 24, 2012

I said it before and I'll say it again- Mikyajy is the most colorful makeup brand I've come across. It's quite apt for the region's women who love vibrant colors. So when Mikyajy sent their latest called  Jetsetter, I was amused. This wasn't your standard makeup set.

This set was probably designed keeping in mind girls on the move. Jetsetter features 5 detachable makeup palettes. Yes, you don't need to carry the entire set with you. Just separate your favorite one, put it in the case provided and into your handbag. You can touch up whenever, wherever.

Each of the 5 palettes consists of 6 eye shadows, 4 glossy lip colors, 1 matte blush, a mini eye shadow brush and a lipstick brush.

 What I liked about Jetsetter is that each eye shadow set has corresponding lip and blush colors. Look at this palette set for instance.

This is your smokey eye palette- the white for highlighting your inner corner of the eyes and brow bone, the silver for the middle of the lid and the black for outer corners and blending. There's also a variant of blue shadows for a blue smokey eye. When you have this kind of eye makeup, the rest of the face should be understated- so this palette offers that. The lip colors are nude to light pink (although they look darker in this  palette, once you apply them they are actually sheer). The blush as well is a baby pink. So there, you have it! Your own makeup guide in each palette and you didn't even have to ask anyone.

Here's my favorite palette. I love purples, lilacs and violets. Combine this with the above to give you a violet to black smokey eye (I'm sure by now you can tell that smokey eye is one of my favorite looks). 

Jetsetter consists of bright colors which can be used all year round. And the fact that you can take your favorite palette with you is a bonus.

So what's your favorite color palette?

Pick of the Week

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How pretty are these shorts from TopShop? Love the fact that the dip dye is featured on a pair of shorts that have a design/print. Usually, I've seen dip dye on plain T-shirts, skirts and shorts.

Pair these with either a denim shirt (which is all the rage right now) or a white tank top that's tucked in with a statement necklace and golden gladiators. Don't forget your sunnies and you are set for Dubai's summer!